Comments on: Adobe, BBC and Microsoft among big names in new standards group to combat disinformation Digital Marketing News: customer experience, social, mobile marketing Thu, 04 Mar 2021 02:06:09 +0000 hourly 1 By: John Thu, 04 Mar 2021 02:06:09 +0000 The Government’s job is to protect the rights of the Citizens, but Big tech companies have become more powerful than Governments. Many of our Government Officials have been extorted, blackmailed, or bribed, to allow these Big Tech companies to gain total control of our private data, which they then sell off to the highest bidder. The formulation of this Adobe, Microsoft, BBC, + Oligopoly is a deliberate attempt to diminish our First Amendment Rights, our Freedom of Speech.

I work in the Marijuana Industry, and I’ve seen these regulatory bodies responsible for censorship prevent the truth about cannabis from becoming mainstream for decades. Once the internet became available for private users, it became the most critical piece of infrastructure for spreading the truth about cannabis and its multitude of medical benefits.

If these big tech companies are able to re-monopolize information, we will recede back into the dark ages. The free marketplace of ideas is what leads to an educated population. Censorship and manipulation of data will only lead towards ignorance, then tyranny.

By: Cyr4x Tue, 23 Feb 2021 11:59:41 +0000 This is the end of free internet, where everyone can publish. What times we live in, that regular communist censorship mechanisms are called “combat with disinformation”.
