Google claims to be winning battle against bad advertising


Bad advertising comes at a big cost to the marketing industry but the battle against it is being won according to Google. It claims that in 2014 it disabled more than 524 million bad ads and banned more than 214,000 advertisers from its platform.

Of these 7,000 advertisers were banned for promoting counterfeit goods. That was half the number of 2013 and a massive drop on the 82,000 banned in 2012.  It says that its advanced enforcement...

Search engine marketing growth analysed in Adobe report


Search engine marketing spend grew 12% globally year on year according to the latest Global Digital Advertising Report from Adobe, which looks at trends for the last quarter of 2014.

In the US overall search advertisement spend rose 5% year on year, while in Europe, although large at 17% year on year, it had actually slowed on the previous quarter. In the UK spend fell by 3%.

The research showed that while overall worldwide spend on...

Marketers risk omni-channel success by overlooking mobile retargeting


Mobile might be a priority in the social and search marketing channels, but there are still a high proportion of display advertisers choosing to keep it at arm’s length.

In research conducted as part of its State of the Industry: Europe report, AdRoll discovered a 44% demographic of marketers who are still refusing to use retargeted display advertising on mobile.

It is a worrying statistic given the omni-channel opportunities...

Mobile clicks overtake desktop in UK for the first time


Consumers are now reported to be clicking more on mobile devices than desktop for the first time in the UK, with mobile impressions, spend and conversions not far off desktop either.

A new study from cross-channel performance advertising cloud Marin Software reveals that mobile devices, including tablets and smartphones, now account for 44.8% of ad impressions, 50% of clicks, 46% of spend and 43% of conversions in the UK.


Yahoo and Bing make inroads on Google’s US search share, but do advertisers care?


A spike in Yahoo searches has pushed Google down to its lowest search share in almost six years, the result of a change in tact from Mozilla.

According to web tracker StatCounter, Yahoo’s search share has been buoyed by a deal with Mozilla where it became the default search engine for Firefox 34 users in the US giving company the platform for its highest US share since 2009.

StatCounter has reported that Google grabbed 75.2% of US...

Is this the definitive marketing technology landscape graphic?

Lumascape kicked off the trend for bringing an entire industry together on a single graphic while others have followed too, but Scott Brinker’s latest offering adds some vastly improved organisation to this bustling industry.

Brinker’s marketing technology supergraphic manages to incorporate almost 2,000 different companies without ever looking too chaotic. It is no mean feat given how his annual project has grown from the 947 companies that slotted into last year’s...

Google gives Adwords an omni-channel injection


Search company Google has announced that it will soon be rolling out AdWords improvements to better measure in-store visits in the Estimated Total Conversions (ETC) tool.

In an effort to assist marketers with targeting the increasingly complex paths to purchase that consumers take, Google is letting advertisers link AdWords with My Business to get more insights on search campaigns.

When announcing the new AdWords feature on its blog, Google...

Could Google for kids do the marketing industry more harm than good?

The news that Google for Kids is now in the development pipeline for the tech giant has generated quite a bit of controversy today. But Google itself was expecting this.

In effect Google for kids - its plan to develop child specific versions of tools such as search, YouTube and Chrome – will create a whole new marketing demographic and enable website owners to better track who is looking at their sites when.

The information this could, in theory, provide advertisers...

Ten last-minute Cyber Monday preparations for your e-commerce site

Cyber Monday 2013 was a landmark day in online retail and with this year’s event only weeks away, there are a number of last minute preparations e-sellers need to be making right now in order to take full advantage of the benefits headed their way. 

The craziness of the holiday season is just around the corner - Black Friday, Cyber Monday, Christmas, and Boxing Day are only weeks away and Cyber Monday in particular is the day that kick's off many online retailers' golden...

Apple mobile device targeting leads wave of updates to Adobe Marketing Cloud

Picture credit: iStockphoto

Adobe has rolled out support for iBeacon in the latest batch of updates to its Adobe Marketing Cloud product, making it possible for marketers to target content using the location of shoppers.

Media can now be sent across a number of channels to consumers, with marketers being able to deliver a promotional message through a retailer’s app when a shopper is in a specific store.

Using Marketing Cloud, marketers are able to follow the...