IAS expands Total media Quality Product to YouTube Shorts 

Integral Ad Science (IAS), a leading global media measurement and optimisation platform, has expanded its measurement capabilities on YouTube.

IAS will now offer its industry-leading brand safety and suitability measurement product to advertisers for YouTube Shorts inventory, as part of its existing Total Media Quality for YouTube product suite.

YouTube Shorts is one of the most popular short-form video platforms in the world and is growing rapidly, with more than...

Analysis: The four key methods for marketing measurement to maximise impact

When looking at organisations today, market research and marketing analytics now absorb around 13-16% of marketing operations budgets. However, evidence from Gartner’s Marketing Data and Analytics Survey (client access required) indicates that these investments are mismatched with their output and this presents a significant risk to the ongoing investment.

So, what does one do to find what works and what does not – which marketing activities should be doubled down on and which...