Festive shoppers are 81% more likely to click on personalised content this year

Festive online shoppers are taking longer to make purchase decisions this year, including interacting more heavily with retailers’ personalised product recommendations and content.

This is according to global data gathered by Commerce Experience Platform, Nosto, over Cyber Weekend 2023 found that ecommerce traffic was up 23%, with shoppers viewing 22% more pages per visit and spending 10% longer on each page. Despite this more considered shopping behaviour, sales were up 4.41%...

1 in 3 want more personalised ads, but only 6% willing to share more data

Precis Digital, a data-driven digital marketing agency, has unveiled its latest research, conducted by the YouGov analysis institute, on consumer attitudes towards privacy and wider societal issues in digital advertising in the UK.

The study highlights that while one-third of consumers express a desire for personalised advertisements, a mere 6% are willing to share additional data to receive highly personalised ads. This disparity raises questions about the alignment...