65% of consumers say personalisation earns loyalty in 2023

A global survey of 5,000 consumers reveals critical changes to consumer spending amid inflation and economic uncertainty.

These findings highlight current sentiment on spending and what it will take to earn consumer loyalty in 2023.

Retail, travel, hospitality, media and entertainment most at risk as consumers rethink spending 

Consumers are thinking more critically about where they will spend their money in 2023, with 81% saying they will reassess their...

Influencers have become heart of the brand-consumer relationship

A love heart painted on a wall.

impact.com, a partnership management platform, in partnership with WARC, an international marketing intelligence company, have published a report on the rapidly evolving brand-influencer dynamic, which shows the disparity and alignment of perceptions of marketers and influencers, and offers guidance on how better alignment can lead to more effective and valuable partnerships.

The report, Aligning Marketers and Influencers: Shifting Perspectives on Influencer Marketing Across the...

Maximising consumer engagement with attention

A woman paying for items in a shop.

Since the pandemic, consumers have become a lot more discerning when it comes to their ad consumption.  Super Bowl LVI’s national ads, for example, accounted for more than 40% of all TV ad impressions on linear TV in 2022. And since ‘nostalgia’ was the theme of the event, it was successful in resonating and instilling happy emotions, hence being memorable and giving the event a longer lasting impression.

We’ve seen the success from brands bringing in the old with a...

UK consumers demand hyper-personalisation, new report reveals

The way to engage with these consumers is through real-time, hyper-personalised experiences, a new eConsultancy report, in partnership with Cheetah Digital reveals. The report 2022 Digital Consumer Trends Index: Consumer Attitudes and Trends in Personalisation, Privacy, Messaging, Advertising and Brand Loyalty shows consumers across the U.K. interact with a brand on multiple channels, oftentimes unpredictably.

Email marketing reigns supreme

Email continues to sit...