Rethinking the Role of the CMO

47% of CMOs struggle to demonstrate the business impact of marketing efforts.

However, powerful analytics tools are now making their way into the hands of small and medium sized businesses. Sophisticated data analysis isn’t just for big business titans anymore, and slowly but surely, CMOs are taking more responsibility for their marketing data.

Join our panel of CMOs to find out what key changes and challenges the modern CMO is about to come up against in the coming years. We’ll deep-dive into the following topics:

  • How data is reshaping the role of the CMO
  • How automation could trigger a renaissance of creative content
  • What skillsets the modern marketing team will need and how to attract/upskill talent
  • Why CMOs need to take the data revolution more seriously

3 reasons to attend:

  1. Find out how data is reshaping the role of the CMO
  2. Spot opportunities where automation can support a renaissance of creative content
  3. Understand what skillsets the modern marketing team will need, and how to attract/upskill talent

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